Collaboration in a Year 2 Classroom


I was fortunate to have dropped by a Year 2 classroom today to enjoy some of the learning occurring in our wonderful college. The students were completely absorbed in their learning where they were exploring the school value of 'collaboration'.

Students had been given a brief to design and create a track that would allow a toy car to successfully be propelled along. The students had discussed and explored the key collaborative behaviours from our SWPBS matrix including sharing ideas, listening actively to each other, give constructive feedback to team members and actively participate in the team. The success was obvious as the teams tested their design and shared these with the whole class.

Teacher Ms O'Dowd sought reflections from the students who were able to notice and name the strategies and behaviours of collaboration. It was very clear to me that our Year 2 students deepened their applied understanding of collaboration. Ms O'Dowd ensured the students concluded their session on 'collaboration' with a reminder that we collaborate not only during learning in class, but equally so in the playground....all agreed and headed out to play.


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