National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence


Whilst the official National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (NDoAABV) yesterday was postponed, our teachers and students felt that we at Featherbrook College would use the day to denounce violence and bullying and to promote kindness and consideration of others.

As one of the many highlights of the week to promote worthy messages of how to treat each other with respect and consideration, some of our student leaders worked with Ms Amanda Palombi to brainstorm ways that they could contribute to strengthening our collective and individual appreciation for and contribution to a positive and inclusive school environment. After brainstorming many ideas the students decided to create a PositivityTree. They did this through cutting paper into the shape of a leaf, onto which they wrote something positive about themselves, or a friend AND/OR a positive strategy to address bullying. Paper leaves were then collected and placed on a tree mural. It is now displayed in the entrance corridor of the administration office for the many who pass by it, draw inspiration and so engender positivity.

Some of the students' words of wisdom captured on the colourful mural include:

Say nice and kind words.

Be brave.

Treat people as you would want to be treated.

Don't say online what you wouldn't to someone's face.

All students across the college over the course of the week, addressed the theme of bullying and worked with their teachers on ways we can all build bridges of respect and care. The teachers used resources from the School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework, the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM), the Wheel of Choice displayed across the school in the playgrounds, as well as NDoAABV resources.

The following 2 resources may be of interest to our readers:

Congratulations to our students and teachers for their collaborative focus on this important area of social need that reaches into all societal spaces. The more preventative work undertaken to reduce bullying and violence, to equip our young people with the tools to notice it, name it and call it out, the stronger we are as a society. Thank you to our student leaders who worked on the Positivity Tree as a Featherbrook College symbol of our contribution to taking action against bullying and violence.